Month: September 2022

Digital Identity

What is a digital identity? 

Digital identity is how we portray ourselves on the internet. Whether this is social media apps, blog sites, Internet forums. We create this version of ourselves that we broadcast online. As we are learning through social media every day, digital identities are often the best, or a flawed version of an individual. This is the common trend with social media these days. A digital identity is often what employers will look to first when they are looking to hire someone. With the tap of a button, someone can gain access to your entire digital identity. It is important you understand the power that comes with creating a digital identity.

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

Both of these approaches have a general similarity, they are often trying to be the best version the user imagines themselves as, whether this for professional or personal useIn a professional setting the user is trying to markets themselves to their believed target audience. This could be them advertising their skill sets, marketing things they are working on, or networking with other like minded individuals. The user may hold back on sharing about his personal life as it may affect his ability with a future employer down the line. When using social media for personal use it’s important to remember this. “Is this appropriate for my future employer to see?”. Everything that is shared to social media is on the internet forever. Being conscientious of what is posted online is the best way to go about it. Both approaches to digital identity share similarities.

How do digital identities converge in networked publics- What are the impacts and/or benefits?

Digital identities are great for converging in public networks as they give others a sense of who they are interacting without having to met in person. This helps the users network and build relationships for future clients or employers. Everyone has a different reaction to digital identities therefore, someone could look at your digital identity and make an assumption about your profile. This can be impactful and judgemental of others but it often works for the better rather than for worse. If someone likes the digital identity you have showcased then you can grow this into a personal interaction with them. Expanding your digital identity increases your chances for career growth as you can reach new people and new possibilities that you wouldn’t be able to do in person. 

Public Communications

What does it mean to network using social media ?

Networking through social media is a must in our current society as technological advancement becomes the new normal. Through technology we are able to be connected throughout the world, which allows us to widen our personal reach. In todays society, building professional connections is as easy as downloading an app (ex LinkedIn, Facebook). These connections can open doors to new opportunities to help build up a career. We are in an era where we have technology at our fingertips. Networking on social media widens your personal reach and can help you grow your career. 

How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

Putting yourself in public social networks can be intimidating. Whether this is through a social media app or participating in networking events within your community. Finding motivation is often found through aim to achieve a future goal, colleges, mentors and social figures. These are four of the main points that I can say motivate myself and others I have interacted with about this idea of motivation. Reaching out to others in networked publics can be strenuous and tedious however, finding how to stay motivated through this process increases the chances of strong career results later down the line. It is in the habits you build and the little things everyday that help you stay motivated. 

What are the risks and rewards of public communications? 

Public communications are very strong ways of building a strong career and maintaining this. However it comes with great responsibility. As we live in the digital age now, public communications travel at a speed faster than we have ever seen before. Through sharing and different social networks, reaching new audiences is very easy when using the correct public communication tools. Through social media it is important when using these networks for public communications that the information being displayed is appropriate for all audiences. Thorough review of the information being displayed is a must as a mistake in this sector can ruin an entire career. Public communication is a great tool within our society, however the user must understand the risks and rewards when using. 

About Me

Welcome to my EDCI 338 blog!

My name is Sten Petersen and I am currently in 4th year completing a major in Sociology. I am originally from Vancouver, BC. Over the last four years I have grown to love Victoria and the surrounding area!

During the school year my classes are my first priority, however when the week comes to an end and the weekend hits you can often find me spending most of my spare time surfing the coastline of the Juan de Fuca Strait. Being at UVic has increased my love for the outdoors as the people who attend the school share many of the same passions as myself. If I’m not in the outdoors it’s probably because I’m on campus playing Intermural hockey or soccer.

I’m excited to learn throughout this semester with everyone and grow my community network here at UVic!

Photo of Sten Petersen. Courtesy of Sten Petersen

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