Month: November 2022

Engaging your PLN

Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course?

Over the last few months, I have learned how to make a PLN and keep it updated to give myself a strong presence in the professional world. This course has allowed me to grasp the full context of what makes a strong PLN and how to maintain it. As this semester is coming to an end, this is just the start of my presence in the world of PLN. Finding a job post-graduate can be challenging for many, however, creating a strong PLN and building up your professional connections while still completing your degree is a great way to start. There is a quote that I have heard from many individuals in my life that justifies the importance of a PLN. “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” (Unknown). Knowledge can always be learned however the opportunity may not always be there. Ensuring your PLN is strong with professional connections opens doors that you may have never thought of despite your intelligence in the selected field. Often it is getting the first foot in the door that can be the most challenging. Ensuring that my PLN is up to date and full of connections will give me the best possible chance at new opportunities.  This course has given me insight into the in-depths of building the professional network that I believe will be useful for my career. The material within this course is the most applicable to real-life scenarios among other courses as it makes my classmates and me move out of our comfort zone to engage with new professional audiences that will help us in the future. Reflecting on the semester that I have had in this course I can say that I am confident with my skills in building my PLN and I am excited for what the future of my PLN holds.

Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?

Having a PLN that is up to date and has many professional connections is a great way to open the door to new professional opportunities, however, individuals should not just rely on their digital PLN to open new opportunities. Talked about in the Wakelet podcast is virtual networking vs in-person networking. Dyann Wilson states that some of the best connections she has made are in person because you get to really know them (Wilson, 17:30, 2022). Amy Storer adds to the discussion that  “The best learning can happen right down the hall, outside of the conference room” (Storer, 18:50, 2022). I believe that relying on your PLN in the digital space is equally as important in the real world. Mentioned in this discussion by both women is that different individuals approach networking in different ways. Introverted and extroverted individuals differ in their online vs in person interactions however it is when you put yourself out there that you will see connections starting to be made. PLNs can be relied on to open professional opportunities; however, once these opportunities have been given, the individual must have the interpersonal skills to maintain the opportunity and create something of it. 


YouTube. (2022, August 11). The benefits of Growing Your Network & PLN! | #thewakeletpodcast. YouTube. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from 

EDCI Final Assignment | PLN POD

Here is my final project I did with my brother Fritz Petersen. We decided to show our knowledge through the form of a podcast. In this episode, we touch on different social media platforms for showcasing your PLN, how you measure the success of ones PLN, and how it ties into your digital identity as well as protecting your privacy.

This project was exciting to record as it was my first experience speaking in a podcast form. Editing and making sure the speaking points were clear and concise was a challenge but well worth it in the end!

Works cited:

Lui, S. (2022, June 6). Sophie Lui – Edci 338. YouTube. Retrieved November 21, 2022, from  

Burkard, Chris (2022)

Why media literacy matters in your PLN?

Open dialogues about media literacy and factual information can create conflict; why does this happen?

In the video interview with Julia Smith, media literacy is best described by her as the constant questioning of the media we consume (Smith, 2021). The conflict around media literacy is a result of individuals not being media literate. Having this skill to question things like the news as well as information online is something that many people do not possess. The term push news and pull news is what we are experiencing today. Prior to the 21st century, we had few news sources informing us. Now we have thousands, and news corporations are trying to grasp our attention to attract views and a following (Smith, 2021). We see conflict when we chose what we want to hear and ignore the opposition. Individuals will choose what they would like to believe resulting in conflict between certain truths. It is not until we look at topics and ideas from a non-biased point of view that we will see conflict being resolved. This starts with being media literate 

What is the benefit of having a PLN that values media literacy?

Smith mentions that one of the most important pieces to a PLN that values media literacy is having a wide variety of perspectives from individuals within your PLN. Smith says “It is having objective voices who can provide you with rational guidance when you might be emotionally worked up” (Smith, 2021). Feedback from media-literate individuals is valued because it is the feedback you can trust and grow from. A PLN that is diverse in its beliefs gives the individual a different look at topics. This results in new information learned and well rounds their understanding of the world. Having a PLN that cannot distinguish differences between certain truths and statements results in an enclosed PLN, weakening chances of growth and learning.


Smith, J. (2021, June 6). EDCI 338 – media literacy with Julie Smith. YouTube. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from 

Balancing PLN & Public Discourse

Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes and questions above reflecting on how you would curate your social media with a critical public audience. 

Curating your social media with a critical public audience can be hard, however, it is necessary when you have a role in the public eye. In this video, it is mentioned that Lui uses Twitter for her career-based sharing and then a private Instagram for her personal use. Separating the two is a great way to go about this because it allows for separation from work and personal life. That way individuals who may not like your presence within the public audience won’t be able to see your personal life. If I was in a public audience this is how I would go about my life. This example as talked about is often seen in young adults and teenagers as they will have multiple Instagram accounts, one being the one where they showcase themselves to the large majority of users and then one account for a select few. This is not necessarily just a strategy that individuals in the public audience use but rather a popular one amongst most social media users.

Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?  

Engaging with a public audience through a media space can have many benefits, however, it can also land the individual in criticism and backlash. Media in today’s day and age can be a sensitive area where expertise and thorough review must be taken. As talked about in the Lui (2022) interview, Lui’s profession is to share controversial topics online through television and social media. Reporters are often susceptible to backlash when sharing controversial issues. The reporter may not always agree with the topic being discussed, however, they are still on the receiving end and face this backlash. Individuals in positions such as government or lawyers will be faced with controversial decisions that will often cause public disruption. It takes well-trained individuals to be able to separate their career and their personal life. Individuals engaging with a public audience through social media sites must be aware of the challenges that come with it. Often people of power will have their social media presence on sites such as Twitter which is it more focused on short messages, rather than Instagram which is more photo and video based. 

How to best address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and your employer’s social media policy?

As described in the Lui (2022) interview, Sophie Lui describes some of the ways she deals with criticism and critiques. She mentions that using the mute feature on social media platforms is an efficient way (Lui, 2022). The mute feature is great because it makes it so Lui will not see the comments while not letting the other user see that she has done this. Often users who are commenting negative things will be seeking attention, and when someone blocks them, it gives them the attention and validation they were seeking. Another way that she curates her social media is by using different sites for different purposes. She mentions that she uses Instagram for personal use whereas Twitter for professional use. The term mentioned by Lui, “Doom Scrolling” is best described as Lui scrolling through her comment sections and looking at all the feedback she has received. It is best to turn notifications off and continue to share information in a way that your values align with. 


Lui, S. (2022, June 6). Sophie Lui – Edci 338. YouTube. Retrieved November 21, 2022, from 

What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?

Ensuring that you have a diverse and inclusive PLN is essential if you are looking to build your connections as well as grow your PLN. Diversity and inclusion widen the reach of users that you may be trying to reach. Diversity and inclusion allow for new perspectives for yourself and the users following your PLN. This opens the door to new opportunities and experiences that you may not have encountered beforehand. Individuals that have been following your PLN for some time, understand the style and way that you broadcast and share your PLN with the public. As new people come and go on your PLN, the individuals that have been around for a while are much more understanding of the information you are sharing. My personal PLN sends a different message than my peers who are involved in different fields of work and study. If individuals within your PLN are familiar with the style of work and information you are sharing, there is often a higher chance that they respect and trust the message you are trying to convey to the community.

Knowing the audience you are trying to reach is important as messages can be received in many different ways amongst different audiences within the community.  For example, sharing a message through your PLN to a community from a different cultural background than the one you are familiar with, may be received differently. It is important to be aware of this as sending the wrong message to a certain community can land you in hot water quickly. 

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