Diversity and Inclusion

How diverse is your PLN?

My PLN prior to starting this course was not very diverse and didn’t expand too far outside of my personal reach. The people that mostly make up my PLN are everyone I have gone to high school and my closer friends from university. To widen my PLN reach, this requires being more active in the professional networking areas of society and engaging in making new online connections. Having a diverse PLN gives a person perspective into areas they might not be familiar with which can widen and grow your perspective of how you see the professional world. It is important to meet individuals from all different walks of life. This opens doors to areas and experiences that one may mot have had if they haven’t diversified their PLN. After being in this course just over a month now I can say that I am making the steps forward to diversify my PLN and make new connections. One of these steps is actively browsing new connections on LinkedIn that are outside of my intermediate personal reach. Another one is being an active student on campus, attending networking events like clubs and public speakers. During the first week of class I attended the UVic club fair where I was able to engage in good conversation with like-minded individuals with all different interests. Going to these events and putting myself out there is a great way to diversify my PLN. 

I think that I am slowly learning from diversifying my PLN. As I am only just over a month into paying attention to my PLN and actively making progressive steps forward I think that I have started and will start to see more results down the line. Measuring how diverse a persons PLN can be tricky because what may be diverse to one individual is different from another individual considers diverse. As there is an up and coming election, expanding your horizons on different candidates is a great way to learn and expand your views as an individual. Personally I have been following a few different candidates on professional networking sites to compare and contrast the different viewpoints. As I have recently started paying a strong attention to these changes and new voices, over time is when I think I will really start to understand what information is being implied. 

What is a learning outcome of your PLN and how are you insuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

With one year left in my undergraduate degree I would like to expand my PLN as much as I can to give myself the best shot at success for my professional career after university. I would like to engage with fellow classmates in all the departments of my courses to gain a wide variety of connections for the future. Having a strong PLN going into my career gives me the opportunity to connect with individuals down the line in different careers.I think it is important to make connections with individuals outside of your major because these individuals have had a different viewpoint on the world for the last 4-5 studying different subjects. Being able to see different sides to each situation will help me with my exposure to diversity and inclusion. Diversifying your PLN is easy, you must immerse yourself in new social situations and you will slowly see the results. 

1 Comment

  1. fritzpetersen

    Hey Sten, well said. I agree 100% with putting yourself out there on campus to further expand your PLN. I also attended the club fair on campus in September and familiarized myself with clubs shaped around my passions, and in turn, I got to meet many people who share interests with me. Establishing these connections was excellent as now I have developed a great number of connections with individuals professionally and those who share hobbies of mine such as kids who like to surf from the UVic surf club.

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