Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course?

Over the last few months, I have learned how to make a PLN and keep it updated to give myself a strong presence in the professional world. This course has allowed me to grasp the full context of what makes a strong PLN and how to maintain it. As this semester is coming to an end, this is just the start of my presence in the world of PLN. Finding a job post-graduate can be challenging for many, however, creating a strong PLN and building up your professional connections while still completing your degree is a great way to start. There is a quote that I have heard from many individuals in my life that justifies the importance of a PLN. “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” (Unknown). Knowledge can always be learned however the opportunity may not always be there. Ensuring your PLN is strong with professional connections opens doors that you may have never thought of despite your intelligence in the selected field. Often it is getting the first foot in the door that can be the most challenging. Ensuring that my PLN is up to date and full of connections will give me the best possible chance at new opportunities.  This course has given me insight into the in-depths of building the professional network that I believe will be useful for my career. The material within this course is the most applicable to real-life scenarios among other courses as it makes my classmates and me move out of our comfort zone to engage with new professional audiences that will help us in the future. Reflecting on the semester that I have had in this course I can say that I am confident with my skills in building my PLN and I am excited for what the future of my PLN holds.

Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?

Having a PLN that is up to date and has many professional connections is a great way to open the door to new professional opportunities, however, individuals should not just rely on their digital PLN to open new opportunities. Talked about in the Wakelet podcast is virtual networking vs in-person networking. Dyann Wilson states that some of the best connections she has made are in person because you get to really know them (Wilson, 17:30, 2022). Amy Storer adds to the discussion that  “The best learning can happen right down the hall, outside of the conference room” (Storer, 18:50, 2022). I believe that relying on your PLN in the digital space is equally as important in the real world. Mentioned in this discussion by both women is that different individuals approach networking in different ways. Introverted and extroverted individuals differ in their online vs in person interactions however it is when you put yourself out there that you will see connections starting to be made. PLNs can be relied on to open professional opportunities; however, once these opportunities have been given, the individual must have the interpersonal skills to maintain the opportunity and create something of it. 


YouTube. (2022, August 11). The benefits of Growing Your Network & PLN! | #thewakeletpodcast. YouTube. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from