What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network? 

Students are using digital platforms to promote their digital identity that are intuitive and easy to use. One of these digital platforms is LinkedIn. This platform gives the user many different options and is the gateway source for building up their professional digital identities. With the many different features on LinkedIn, it helps connect users with a wide variety of skills across a wide range of industries and fields. Personally I think LinkedIn is a great platform for building my digital identity because it gives myself practice writing professional pieces and sharing articles. As students are not involved in the workforce as heavily as someone who is done with school. It is important to build these skills now to develop good habits for the future. 

 What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?  

Being on these social platforms allows for students to play around and get a feel for the tools o that when they graduate they have a strong digital identity and the proper skill set to take with them to the work force. Attending campus events such as public speakers and social events is one way to grow your professional network when attending university. Often, you will grow connections in settings that you would have never expected. It is important to put yourself out there, which gives you the chance to make new professional connections. The person you interact with at one of these events could be the one hiring you down the line. 

How does data privacy and security limit and/or promote a PLN?

Data and privacy are two major sectors of a personal learning network. It is important that users promoting their digital identity understand the risks that come with using these platforms. Large companies and corporations often have tools that can search the internet for any information that relates to your identity. Wether this is a social media account linked to your name, or being associated with these other accounts. Everything posted online is trackable. When social media accounts promoting a different digital identity that a personal PLN, it can hinder employment opportunities and future professional relationships. Creating a strong digital identity that also supports and links to a PLN is what employers like to see. This gives them strong confidence that you may be good for a role in a company. Often on social media platforms there are concerns over the use of personal privacy and where personal information will be stored and shared. If we look at public figures on social platforms, we often see that they have one digital identity that aligns with their professional learning network across social platforms. Influential figures will often remain off certain social platforms due to the concern over privacy and security. Creating a strong reputation means being consistent with the content that is posted as well as having the content create discussions and engagement within the followers therefore the users know what is coming from you.