Education Within Social Media

Which social media platforms are beneficial in education? 

As talked about from our guest speaker Brad Baker the use of social media greatly benefits the field of education. in the discussion, Miller tells us a story about a time when his peers and him interacted with an indigenous women in northern Canada. This women was using social media (Instagram) to promote and tell a story about her homeland to the public. Platforms like instagram allow the user to educate populations with a photo and a story to go along with it. She mentions that without sites like this and her promoting her experiences, they would not have the same amount of tourists and visits, which in the long run, brings money into their economy funding and helping them earn a living. Our guest speaker Baker and instructor Miller mention in their discussion that information that encompasses indigenous knowledge online is outdated. The power of education through social media is that it is current. There can be real time updates about certain educational issues within society that if posted well, can reach masses online. Education sectors that have a strong presence on social media can gain traction rapidly and get their information out to the public. The tools that we have access too are here to help us connect and share stories in our life.

When working with the vulnerable sector, how does social media fit into professionalism and regulations?

Working with the vulnerable sector can be challenging to navigate. Precautions and understanding of these sectors must be taken to tell stories correctly. As mentioned by guest Baker as an example, indigenous populations are often thought of very simple within certain areas of society. However this is not the case. Indigenous populations are often very complex and there are many topics that people outside of these populations are not faced with and simply cannot understand. Being able to share and educate populations outside of this onto social media platforms takes  professionalism and a deep understanding of the topic on hand. Regulations within the education are important for keeping information valid and online. If regulations are not followed, information will be taken down and discredited. As Baker mentions regarding change in the field of education “For change to happen, you must be vulnerable” (Baker, 2021). People must be willing to put themselves out there and explain their story to the full extent so others can grasp an understanding. It is in these powerful stories that people feel vulnerable to share, that change can happen. 

1 Comment

  1. chuhesong

    Hi Stan,
    I aboslotely agree on the point that the tools we have access to are here to help us connect and share story to our life, I believe that this is the same form of sharing we are tyring to achieve with educations, we are sharing what we learned and what we want people to learn thru social media plateforms. And just like you said, real time update thru social media can happen and it would spread fast with masse which is a really convienient way for us to stay connected thruough each timeline of our learning process.

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