How would you create a PLN prior to engaging a social media campaign on a topic of your choice?

Creating your PLN before launching a social media campaign is important because when this social media campaign is launched, there is an audience that can engage with it. This engagement can involve liking, commenting, sharing and reposting. Having this strong PLN before launching a social media campaign improves the chances of it succeeding. As talked about within the Woods (2013) reading, knowing that all PLN’s are different, using Twitter and diversifying your intake of information. Understanding these steps helps get your PLN up and going. I am currently building up my PLN to make it strong before launching a a new campaign with a health and fitness company. My role working for this company will be to engage with my PLN and grow the company within my demographic. Currently I am growing my knowledge within this field of work therefor when I start with them I will be prepared for the task. As I have not started with this company yet, I believe that currently growing my PLN is the best way I can be prepared for this next challenge in my career.

Knowing that all PLN’s are different

  • As inspiration from other PLN’s can be very helpful, it is important to know that everyone’s PLN’s are different. Everyone comes from a different background and is taught how to engage with people differently. We have unique skill sets that benefit us in different ways. This directly impacts your PLN as what might work for someone, may not work for you. Understandig how to use your own skillsets to create your PLN that differentiates from others is important. 

Using Twitter

  • Twitter is a simple resource that can connect users from around the world. It is easy to share  little excerpts of information with your PLN. Twitter is great because it restricts the amount of character used, which makes the user only convey the most important parts of the information they are sharing. Twitter is very diverse and has everything from politics to sports which makes it appealing for many users. Expanding your PLN through Twitter allows for an engaging look into different fields within society. 

Diversifying your PLN

  • Having a diverse PLN gives you a well rounded look into different people that you may not be familiar with. In the long run this helps build connections into different fields of work. You may not know what industry or field of work you may be interested in or involved with down the line. Engaging with other PLN’s outside your comfort zone will open the door to new opportunities down the line.

Woods, B. (2013) Building your own PLN : Seeking new insights and Ideas? Expand your personal learning network. Training and Development.|A348998538&v=2.1&it=r&sid=summon